• 雅思寫作Task2高分作文技巧,4種段落寫法幫你突破IELTS 7分
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  • 雅思寫作Task2高分作文技巧,4種段落寫法幫你突破IELTS 7分
  • 線上課程:實體+線上直播  一份學費、雙重選擇
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雅思寫作Task2高分作文技巧,4種段落寫法幫你突破IELTS 7分






不論是 Task 1 圖表題或 Task 2 申論題,仔細閱讀題目,將問題搞清楚都是不能缺少的步驟。

Task 2 申論題中,考生必須回答題目中的所有問題。






在寫作策略方面,Not only to express your ideas, but to PRESENT your ideas. 申論題不僅要表達你的觀點,更要呈現出你的觀點。因此,除了知道要寫什麼,考生還得知道要怎麼寫。必須透過學習寫作技巧來安排呈現觀點的方式,才能將一篇文章寫得邏輯通順、有理有據,順理成章地拿到雅思寫作高分。

Fact 提出事實



  • 進一步的解釋

    常用句型: To be more specific, ...

  • 更詳細的描述

    常用句型: That is to say that...

  • 更具體的定義

    常用句型: In other words, ...

事實是指一件客觀的事情,所以寫作的時候,句子中不要出現 “I,” “you,” or “we,”,而時態通常使用現在式。


Number + Authority 提供權威性數字





例如:According to the latest survey conducted by the government in Taiwan, more than 75 percent of people...

Quotation + Authority 引用權威人士說法




例如:Merry Ling, a professor teaching at a well known university in Taiwan said that for those..


Giving examples 列舉例子



比如:My sister, for instance, was extremely interested in playing badminton, but because of her heavy study for getting into a prestigious university, she had no time at all to play badminton and only watched some badminton games on TV. history.

Example Paragraph

There are two reasons why people enjoy riding T-Bikes in Tainan. The first and most important reason is that it is one of the most convenient transportation modes for people to move around easily in the city. A T-Bike station can be found close to an MRT station, a school, a park or even a tourist destination.

Andy Wong, a high school student studying in Tainan said, “It might have taken me more than 20 minutes to get to school from home by bus before, but now it only takes me 10 minutes not only to go to school, but also to go anywhere that I usually go to, such as a library, a convenience store or a restaurant. In addition, riding a T-Bike is a marvelous way to become healthy.”

According to the Ministry of Health in Taiwan, doing exercise, especially biking 30 minutes a day can help people improve both their mental and physical health. For example, my mother has been riding the T-Bike 30 minutes a day and five times a week. She is now much happier than before, and the chronic diseases that she used to have such as diabetes and hypertension had been proven to improve dramatically just because of riding the T-Bike on an almost daily basis.

人們喜歡在台南騎T-Bikes有兩個原因。 第一個也是最重要的原因是它是人們在城市中輕鬆移動的最便捷的交通方式之一。 在地鐵站、學校、公園甚至旅遊目的地附近都可以找到 T-Bike 站。

在台南就讀的高中生Andy Wong說:「以前從家裡坐公車到學校可能要20多分鐘,現在上學只要10分鐘,去學校也只要10分鐘。到我經常去的任何地方,例如圖書館、便利店或餐館也一樣。 此外,騎T-Bike是保持健康的絕妙方式。」

據台灣衛生部稱,每天鍛煉,尤其是騎自行車 30 分鐘,可以幫助人們改善身心健康。舉例來說,我媽媽每天騎 T-Bike 30 分鐘,每週騎 5 次。現在的她比以前快樂多了,原來糖尿病、高血壓等慢性病也因為幾乎天天騎T-Bike而明顯好轉。

▼▼▼ 請依照下顏色註記作文章分析 ▼▼▼

There are two reasons why people enjoy riding T-Bikes in Tainan. The first and most important reason is that it is one of the most convenient transportation modes for people to move around easily in the city. Fact 提出事實 A T-Bike station can be found close to an MRT station, a school, a park or even a tourist destination.

Number + Authority 提供權威性數字 Andy Wong, a high school student studying in Tainan said, “It might have taken me more than 20 minutes to get to school from home by bus before, but now it only takes me 10 minutes not only to go to school, but also to go anywhere that I usually go to, such as a library, a convenience store or a restaurant. In addition, riding a T-Bike is a marvelous way to become healthy.”

Quotation + Authority 引用權威人士說法 According to the Ministry of Health in Taiwan, doing exercise, especially biking 30 minutes a day can help people improve both their mental and physical health. Giving examples 列舉例子 For example, my mother has been riding the T-Bike 30 minutes a day and five times a week. She is now much happier than before, and the chronic diseases that she used to have such as diabetes and hypertension had been proven to improve dramatically just because of riding the T-Bike on an almost daily basis.